Tuesday, August 2, 2022

We've Got to Try by Beto O'Rourke

WE'VE GOT TO TRY by Beto O'Rourke, candidate for Texas governor and head of Powered by People, outlines “How the Fight for Voting Rights Makes Everything Else Possible.” He begins with a chilling story of racially motivated attempts to steal or destroy ballots in November, 1886. Hard to believe that Texas is still seeking to restrict voting rights by limiting the use of mail-in ballots, closing polling locations (more than 750 since 2013), and gerrymandering. O’Rourke argues that “The lessons of our history clearly show us that fair elections … have always been the exception, not the rule” and that even with the protection of federal laws, that “Texas was found in violation of the [1965] Voting Rights Act in every decade following its signing.” Throughout this text, he relies on history, profiling courageous and inspiring historical examples like Ida B. Wells, Septima Clark, and Bob Moses. Multiple chapters are devoted to the story of Lawrence Nixon, an active El Paso community member who was not allowed to vote in the July, 1924 primary election due to a newly enacted state statute that prohibited participation by Black citizens. O’Rourke profiles a half dozen counties in Texas and many sections are difficult to read – from atrocities like a mass hanging in Gainesville to the modern day (2017) playing of Dixie and naming of public schools for Confederate soldiers. Statewide, he notes that "roughly 20 percent of the state's thirty million people don't have health insurance" and Texas is one of the few states to reject Medicaid expansion. In recounting events and their consequences, O'Rourke is able to take a more objective tone and a significant portion of WE'VE GOT TO TRY is devoted to Notes for primary sources and supporting statistics. Many of the details will surprise new arrivals to Texas as well as some long-time residents, all of whom deserve the right to vote.

O’Rourke points out that “turning outrage into action is key.” A relatively new political action committee that is trying is Mothers Against Greg Abbott, a Texas group fighting for Texas families, for voting rights, and against book bans. Here’s some background on the organization:

Ads feature Texan friends and neighbors as well as former governor Ann Richards’ daughter. The recent one, titled “Whose Choice” and supporting reproductive rights, has definitely generated attention in the national media.

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