Friday, November 25, 2022

The Age-Proof Brain by Marc Milstein

THE AGE-PROOF BRAIN by Marc Milstein offers “New Strategies to Improve Memory, Protect Immunity, and Fight Off Dementia.” Milstein, educated at UCLA, is a knowledgeable presenter, including press and television interviews, regarding brain health. His new text is easy to follow and offers numerous suggestions, particularly that “learning new information or a new skill keeps your brain young.” The book has three primary parts: the first several chapters explain how the brain and memory works as well as connections to the gut and heart; the second part reviews issues (memory loss, insulin resistance, inflammation, and mental health) associated with the brain and aging; the third part is filled with steps to take related to sleep, stress, exercise, community, nutrition, environment, and cross-training (developing different skills). Whether or not all of his information is truly “new” to you, Milstein’s appendix even includes a seven day plan with very specific examples which should be useful to everyone seeking to develop or reinforce healthy habits. For a related text and additional resources, see Dotson’s Keep your Wits About You.

The Wall Street Journal also recently recommended the best 2022 books (and podcasts) about aging and retirement, some of whom we had profiled: Fellowship Point and Independence Day.

Added note: And, The New York Times just published "3 Steps to Age Exuberantly:" be grateful (even for some "pain" where you can find joy); surround yourself with young people; and be curious (say "yes" whenever possible). These ideas are from a new book by Margareta Magnusson who also wrote the bestseller titled The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.

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